Returns & Exchange

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Returns & Exchange

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If you wish to cancel your order, you can do so by contacting our customer service department during working hours and within an hour of the request or by sending the cancellation request through the website. Please note that we are not able to accept cancellations outside these times as the order has been completed and can only be canceled through our return/refund process. If you paid by credit card or any debit card, and you canceled the order in accordance with this clause, we will process a refund (if necessary) as quickly as possible, but we are not responsible for the period required for the reappearance of that process in your account.

If you wish to return your order for a refund or exchange for certain products, you must inform us within 15 days of receiving your order. In the same condition in which it was supplied, in its original packaging, together with a copy of the relevant invoice. Please note that any materials provided with the products must be returned free of charge.

Subject to the exceptions below, when you return your order or wish to exchange it for certain products, we will process a refund upon receipt of the returned/exchanged products, excluding any delivery charges you paid. For the purpose of exchange, you have to submit a new order for delivery.

In the event that we supply incorrect, damaged or faulty products, we will offer you a replacement product or refund you in full, including any delivery charges you have paid. In all cases, you must return the faulty, damaged or faulty products to us as soon as possible. Explore the best trends in design iphone 15 pro max case Combining style and protection. Our online store offers a wide range of innovative phone accessories designed to enhance your device. From sleek and simple cases to rugged and durable options, you’ll find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Shop now to elevate your iPhone experience with the latest trends in iPhone 15 Pro Max case solutions that keep your phone safe and stylish.

You should use caution in handling any products you wish to return and not use them. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to the products while they are in your possession or if they have been worn or washed. This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.

Retrieval process around the world:

  • You will bear the postage yourself, so be sure to mark the shipment as “returned” to avoid additional charges.
  • Be sure to request a shipment tracking number to track the package and to prove that it was sent.
  • After returning the product, it may take up to 28 working days as a maximum for us to receive the order and refund the amount. The amount will be returned to the card used for payment or cash on delivery after checking the product from Aramex, based on your choice while requesting to return the product, or deliver it yourself to the nearest branch of Aramex immediately after creating a “change of size” request. If we do not receive the items to be exchanged within two weeks of placing the order, we will have to cancel your resizing order
  • The product will not be returned within 28 days of receiving the order
  • The product must be returned with the original branded box that was sent to you
  • The product must be in good condition, unused, with the brand sticker and a copy of the invoice
  • Once these products arrive at our warehouse, we will contact you to confirm and reassure you. After that, you can purchase again via our website